Cards Out of Mouth Magic Trick

Cards Out Of Mouth Magic Trick

If you are looking for a magic trick that will leave your audience in awe, the cards out of mouth magic trick is one that you should definitely consider. This trick involves pulling out multiple cards from your mouth, one after the other, leaving your audience amazed and wondering how you did it.

How to Perform the Cards Out of Mouth Magic Trick

Performing The Cards Out Of Mouth Magic Trick

Before you start performing the trick, you need to prepare the cards. You will need to have a stack of cards that are all the same, and another stack of cards that are different. Carefully place the different cards on top of the same cards, so that the different cards are hidden from view.

To start the trick, hold the prepared deck of cards in your hand and act as if you are shuffling them. Once you have finished shuffling, bring the deck up to your mouth and pretend to cough. As you cough, secretly place the stack of different cards into your mouth.

Next, fan out the top few cards of the deck in your hand and ask a member of your audience to choose one. As they do this, use your other hand to discreetly bring the stack of same cards to the top of the deck.

Once the audience member has chosen their card, ask them to place it back on top of the deck. As they do this, secretly place the stack of same cards into your mouth, hiding the stack of different cards further down your throat.

Now comes the moment of magic. As you bring the deck up to your mouth, act as if you are struggling to get the card out and start coughing. As you do this, start slowly pulling out the cards from your mouth, one after the other. Your audience will be left amazed as you continue to pull out more and more cards.

Tips for a Successful Performance

Tips For A Successful Performance

Performing the cards out of mouth magic trick requires some practice and preparation. Here are some tips to help make your performance successful:

  • Practice the trick in front of a mirror to ensure that your hand movements are smooth and natural.
  • Choose a deck of cards that is easy to handle and shuffle.
  • Make sure that your audience is standing at a safe distance, as you will be pulling cards out of your mouth.
  • Keep a glass of water nearby in case you need to rinse your mouth during the trick.
  • Act natural and confident throughout the performance to avoid arousing suspicion.


The cards out of mouth magic trick is an impressive trick that will leave your audience amazed. With some practice and preparation, you can perform this trick with ease and leave your audience in awe of your magical abilities.

Related video of Cards Out of Mouth Magic Trick