How to Fly a Card Magic Trick: A Step-by-Step Guide

Card Magic Trick

Card magic tricks have been around for centuries and continue to captivate audiences with their mystery and intrigue. One of the most popular card tricks is the flying card trick, where a card seemingly flies from the deck into the magician's hand. If you want to learn how to perform this impressive trick, follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Preparation

Card Deck

Before you can perform the flying card trick, you need to prepare your deck of cards. Make sure that all the cards are face down and shuffle them thoroughly to ensure that they are mixed up.

Step 2: Choose a Card

Card Selection

Ask your audience member to choose a card from the deck. Make sure they remember the card and do not show it to you.

Step 3: Control the Card

Card Control

Once the card has been selected, you need to control it to the top of the deck. There are many ways to do this, but one of the easiest is the double lift. To perform the double lift, hold the deck in your left hand and use your right hand to lift the top two cards as one. Show the audience the top card, which is not the selected card, and then flip both cards face down on top of the deck. The selected card is now on top of the deck.

Step 4: Fan the Deck

Fan Deck

Hold the deck face down in your left hand and use your right hand to fan the cards out so that the audience member can see that the selected card is on top of the deck.

Step 5: Hold the Card

Hold Card

Ask the audience member to place their hand over the top of the deck to hold the selected card in place. Make sure they do not touch the card or move their hand until the trick is complete.

Step 6: Remove the Card

Remove Card

Hold your right hand over the deck, with your fingers slightly apart, and slowly slide your hand towards the audience member's hand. As you do this, use your thumb to push the selected card up and out of the deck, towards your hand.

Step 7: Catch the Card

Catch Card

Catch the card with your right hand as it flies up from the deck. Make sure you catch it cleanly and smoothly to create the illusion of flight.

Step 8: Reveal the Card

Reveal Card

Once you have caught the card, show it to the audience member to reveal that it is their selected card.

Step 9: Practice


Like all magic tricks, the flying card trick requires practice to perfect. Spend time practicing the trick in front of a mirror or with friends to ensure that you can perform it smoothly and confidently.


The flying card trick is a classic magic trick that never fails to impress. By following these simple steps and practicing regularly, you can master the trick and wow your audiences. Remember to always perform with confidence and showmanship to truly capture the magic of the trick.

Related video of How to Fly a Card Magic Trick: A Step-by-Step Guide