Magic Tricks: Floating Cards

Magician Performing Card Trick

Card tricks have been a staple of magic performances for centuries, but some tricks stand out from the rest. One such trick is the floating card trick, where a magician makes a card levitate and move around in mid-air. It's a visually stunning trick that leaves audiences in awe and wondering how it's done.

The Secret Behind Floating Cards

Floating Cards

So, how do magicians make cards float? The secret lies in a special gimmick called a thread or invisible thread. This thread is virtually undetectable to the naked eye and can be attached to the card and a stationary object, such as a ceiling or a piece of furniture.

Once the thread is attached, the magician can use their hands to control the movement of the card, making it appear as if it's floating and moving on its own. The key is to keep the thread taut and to move your hands in a way that looks natural and not like you're controlling the card.

Preparing for the Trick

Preparing For The Trick

Before performing the floating card trick, you need to prepare your gimmick. First, you'll need to attach your thread to the card. You can do this by using a small piece of double-sided tape or by punching a small hole in the corner of the card and tying the thread to it.

Next, you'll need to attach the other end of the thread to a stationary object. This could be a ceiling tile, a light fixture, or any other object that's above your performance area. Make sure the thread is taut and that there's enough slack for you to move the card around.

Performing the Trick

Magician Performing Floating Card Trick

Once you've prepared your gimmick, it's time to perform the trick. Start by holding the card in your hand and showing it to your audience. Then, slowly release your grip on the card and let it start to float. Move your hands in a way that makes it look like you're not controlling the card, but rather it's moving on its own.

You can make the card move up and down, side to side, or in circles to create a more impressive effect. Just make sure to keep the thread taut and to move your hands in a natural way.

Variations of the Trick

Variations Of The Trick

There are many variations of the floating card trick that you can perform to add some variety to your performance. Some magicians use multiple cards to create a floating card routine, while others use different objects, such as coins or light bulbs, to create a levitation effect.

Another variation of the trick is to perform it in a dark room and attach a small light to the card. This creates a floating light effect that's sure to impress your audience.

Tips for a Successful Performance

Tips For A Successful Performance

Here are some tips to help you perform the floating card trick successfully:

  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice the trick, the more natural it will look.
  • Use a light touch when holding the card. You don't want to accidentally break the thread.
  • Make sure the thread is taut and that there's enough slack for you to move the card around.
  • Move your hands in a natural way to make it look like you're not controlling the card.
  • Perform the trick in a well-lit area so that the thread is less visible.


The floating card trick is a classic magic trick that's sure to wow your audience. With a little preparation and practice, you can perform this trick like a pro and leave your audience amazed and wondering how it's done.

Related video of Magic Tricks: Floating Cards